Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and its industry partners continue to implement serious interim measures in response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. In line with government health advice, the Dialogue has temporarily suspended all events and face-to-face committee and working group meetings in the short-term. The Dialogue is currently evaluating the forward program of activitiesLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

Fresh look for Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue April-May 2020 Newsletter

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Newsletter has had a refresh for it’s new April-May 2020 edition. Now titled ‘The Dialogue’, stakeholders are able to discover more about the Dialogue’s project and activities than ever before. Despite the ongoing challenging conditions that late 2019 and early 2020 has presented, the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is busilyLearn more Fresh look for Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue April-May 2020 Newsletter