Our Purpose

Community, mining, business, and government working together to address the cumulative impacts of mining. 

Our Participants

Discover more about the Dialogue’s participants and their vision for the Upper Hunter.

Our Working Groups and Committees

Our Working Groups and Steering Committees work together to implement solutions to issues in the Upper Hunter.


Find contact details for our industry, government, council and business stakeholders

About the Dialogue

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is a collaboration between community, mining, business and government working together to address the cumulative impacts of mining and make the Upper Hunter a better place for all to live.

The Dialogue’s participants represent a wide range of stakeholders who work together and through our Working Groups and Committees work together to investigate issues and implement solutions on environmental (e.g. air quality, rehabilitation and water quality and stewardship) and economic and social development issues.

Discover more about the Dialogue’s purpose and vision for the Upper Hunter, our valued stakeholders and key participants, and information about our Joint Working Groups which oversee our projects and activities.

Our Purpose

Community, mining, business, and government working together to address the cumulative impacts of mining….

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Find contact details for our mining industry, government and regulator, council and business stakeholders…

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