Community Engagement

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue values engagement and discussions with our stakeholders at various Upper Hunter community events. This enables the Dialogue to hear directly from those who live and work in our communities and develop strategies to address key emerging concerns.

Supported by our Communications Working Group, the Dialogue has developed and implemented a range of community engagement projects such as our School Mine Tours Program and Virtual Reality Resources, which has enabled us to showcase the Dialogue’s activities to a range of community members and provide them with an opportunity to learn more about the benefits and impacts of mining.

Discover more about these communication and engagement projects and how we engage with the Upper Hunter community.

Featured Projects and Events

Virtual Reality Technology

Our virtual reality experience allows viewers to visit a working mine site without setting foot in a mine while learning about the mining process and its life cycle.
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Community Forum Events

The Dialogue’s regular forum events provide an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with our community stakeholders and hear feedback on issues of importance in the Upper Hunter….

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Local Community Events

The Dialogue attends community events and open days across the Upper Hunter throughout the year to share information on projects and activities, and answer questions from our stakeholders….

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