Water Accounting Framework

The Dialogue’s annual project measures and reports mining industry water use and reuse in the context of the Hunter River and its other water users.

Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

All mines operating across the Upper Hunter are progressively rehabilitating land disturbed by mining to provide temporary or final cover to minimise impacts to the land or air quality.

Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Data Analysis

The Dialogue has analysed data to determine how air quality in the Upper Hunter has changed and how the changes compare with other locations.

Hunter River Water Quality Assessment

The Dialogue has analysed water samples across the Upper Hunter to determine if any impacts to water quality arise from mining in the region.

Cattle Grazing Studies

The Dialogue is supporting industry trials demonstrating rehabilitated mine land can support sustainable and profitable cattle grazing in the Upper Hunter.


The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is committed to ensuring communities near where mining companies operate are environmentally sustainable and that impacts of mining on air, land, and water resources in the Upper Hunter are minimised.

The Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group brings together our community and environment groups, local and state government and mining industry stakeholders to prioritise issues and develop and implement solutions to address cumulative impacts of mining for the Upper Hunter communities.

Managing and minimising air quality impacts, ensuring the region’s water resources are used responsibly and sustainably; and rehabilitating mined land to leave a long term positive legacy are all key environmental priorities for the Dialogue.

The Dialogue has also examined Social Impacts and Infrastructure issues under a previous theme.

Project themes

Featured projects

Cattle Grazing Studies

The Dialogue is supporting industry studies which demonstrates that rehabilitated mine land can support long-term sustainable and profitable cattle grazing in the Upper Hunter….

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Beneficial Reuse of Voids

The Dialogue has researched a variety of potential beneficial post-mining land uses for mine voids that will benefit Upper Hunter communities in the future….

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