Our Working Groups and Steering Committees work together to implement solutions to regional issues.
Organisational Structure
When the Dialogue was established in 2011, it initially focused on four key themes, with projects undertaken and overseen by Working Groups under each theme.
Projects and strategies developed by the Dialogue result from interaction with participants at Dialogue meetings, at the Dialogue’s Annual Forum and through surveys and the Dialogue’s community engagement program. Feedback from these sources is considered by the Working Groups and, where feasible, projects and strategies are implemented.
The Dialogue’s senior group – the Joint Advisory Steering Committee – guides the Dialogue’s focus to ensure current programs, strategies and projects align with priorities set by the community and working groups.
The individual Working Groups, which act as the “engine rooms” for the Dialogue by developing potential strategies and projects, include the environment-themed Working Groups which focus on water and land management and air quality while separate Working Groups focus on economic and social development opportunities.
Proposed projects are considered by the Joint Working Groups which include representatives from community, industry and government. Once the Working Groups agree upon proposed strategies and projects, their recommendations are submitted to the Joint Advisory Steering Committee for advice and/or decision on implementation.

Our Working Groups and Committees
There are around 70 community and environmental groups, local government, regulators, local mine operators, government agencies, unions and business chambers that have been involved in the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue since its establishment.
We thank all of our regular participants for their contribution of time and expertise to this initiative and the positive impacts they have made for the Upper Hunter communities. Please visit our Participants page for more information about who is represented on our Joint Working Groups and Joint Advisory Steering Committee.
Involvement in the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue indicates an organisation’s interest in working with the industry to minimise the cumulative impacts of mining and does not necessarily signal an endorsement of the industry as a whole.
To assist the Dialogue’s stakeholder engagement across the Upper Hunter, a variety of Community Engagement Initiatives have been undertaken to update interested parties on the progress and key achievements of the Dialogue.
See below for more information about the Dialogue’s current stakeholders involved in our Joint Working Groups and Steering Committees, as well as copies of recent meeting papers and minutes from the Joint Working Groups. Please click the following link for a list of the Dialogue’s Past Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Community Stakeholders involved in the Dialogue’s previous Working Groups and Committees.
More information:
Minutes and Papers from recent Joint Working Group Meetings:
Joint Environment Working Group
Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group