The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue recently hosted its first joint procurement mining lunch with the Singleton Business Chamber at Singleton Diggers on September 12, giving many local business people and mining industry representatives a chance to connect and discuss procurement opportunities in the Upper Hunter.
Speaking to a crowd of nearly 120 people, mining industry leaders and procurement experts from mines operating in and around the Singleton area detailed their company procurement processes and how local businesses can become involved in various current and upcoming supply opportunities on offer.
Speakers included The Bloomfield Group’s Valmir Winkler (Group Procurement Manager) and Sally Burgmann (Contracts Superintendent); Thiess’ Philip Woods (General Manager, Supply Chain); Peabody Energy’s Mardus Uys (Commercial Manager, Wambo); and C-Res’ John Aurisch (Business Development Manager).

This is the Dialogue’s second procurement-themed event for 2019, following a similar event with Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry in mid-August.
Local business owners took advantage of the opportunity to network with industry procurement personnel who were onsite to talk business and forge new relationships with attendees.
The procurement events have been organised by the Dialogue’s Economic and Social Development Working Group, formed in 2018 in response to increasing community feedback encouraging more liaison between the mining industry and local businesses.
The Dialogue looks forward to continue working with the local business community to host similar events in 2020 that deliver informative and relevant content and networking opportunities to potential suppliers.