After a busy start to the year which saw a return of the School Mine Tours Program, a Procurement Networking Event in Muswellbrook, and the attendance of the Dialogue at local community events, we were unfortunately forced to postpone our wider community engagement for the latter half of 2021.
However, the Dialogue has adapted to changing conditions and continues engagement with our various Steering Committees and Joint Working Groups, which recently met via ‘Zoom’ for a final round of 2021 meetings to discuss the range of projects being progressed by the Dialogue.
As a result, the Dialogue’s major environmental projects have continued to be delivered. Our most recent newsletter details the results from our Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments Project and the Water Accounting Framework which include 2020 rehabilitation progress and Hunter River water usage. We have also been working to update the Dialogue’s Air Quality Monitoring Network Analysis Project to include 2020 data which provides positive results for the Upper Hunter region.
As always the Dialogue is keen to have input from community representatives. If you are a member of the Upper Hunter community and want to make the region a better place for all to live, please express your interest via email at
We wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year break and look forward to engaging with our stakeholders for a busy 2022.
The December 2021 edition of ‘The Dialogue’ newsletter provides a roundup of all our recent activities and projects.
- REHAB IN FOCUS – SHINING A LIGHT ON UPPER HUNTER MINE REHABILITATION: In response to ongoing feedback that rehabilitation continues to be a key issue for the region, the Dialogue has included several articles focused on improving awareness and understanding on mine rehabilitation rules, processes and progress of this important component in the the lifecycle of mining.
- GEARING UP FOR A BUSY 2022: After a disruptive year once again, the Dialogue is planning for a busy year ahead in 2022, with a return to the School Mine Tours Program, our Networking Procurement Events for local supplier businesses, and the Community Forum Event.
- REHABILITATION CONTINUES TO BE A GROWING SUCCESS: The latest results from the Dialogue’s Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments Project for 2020 are now available. This annual project reports the collective progress of rehabilitation for all Upper Hunter companies against an agreed set of principles each year.
- RAIN BRINGS POSITIVE FLOW FOR HUNTER RIVER IN 2020: The Dialogue’s annual Water Accounting Framework project’s latest results are now available. The project, which measures mining’s use of water in the Upper Hunter, has found that a wetter than average year in 2020 had a positive flow-on effect for the Hunter River.
- PROJECT TRACK AIR QUALITY TRENDS: Air quality in NSW and the Upper Hunter significantly improved in 2020 compared to the two previous years, according to new results from an Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue environmental project.
- SURVEY HELPS SHAPE FUTURE: Community, mining industry, business and state and local government representatives are helping shape the Dialogue’s future by participating in our latest Community Perception Survey, which will help the Dialogue better understand the key issues impacting the region and improve engagement with stakeholders.
Please click the following link or the image below to access the digital copy of the December 2021 edition of ‘The Dialogue’.

A printable A3 version of ‘The Dialogue’ can also be viewed here: