Dialogue Joint Working Groups hear updates on key environmental and economic projects

This week the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group met with the Department of Primary Industries who provided an update on a comprehensive study on the ability of rehabilitated mining land to provide pasture for cattle grazing.

While the study report is still under review, the update indicated positive results for sustainable grazing on rehabilitated land. The final report is expected to be released within the next few months.

Pictured: Members of the Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group meeting at the Dialogue’s Resource Centre in Singleton

The NSW Office of Environment, Energy and Science also attended the meeting to brief the Joint Environment Working Group on air quality and changes to reporting.

The Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group also reviewed progress on several projects and strategies including a positive update on the Dialogue’s new Mining Procurement Information Hub. The Hub is an online portal allowing supplier companies easier access to the mining industry’s procurement opportunities and processes. The hub can be viewed here: https://miningdialogue.com.au/dialogue/procurement

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