Dialogue reaching out to community members

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is looking for Upper Hunter community members who want to help make the region a better place for all to live.

The Dialogue was formed in 2011 to address the cumulative impacts of mining through industry and community working together and is encouraging community members to join the Dialogue team.

There are a number of community representative positions available on the Dialogue’s Joint Advisory Steering Committee and Joint Environment Working Group. These groups meet quarterly and play an important role by helping the Dialogue choose and implement its strategies and activities including projects aimed at addressing mining impacts in areas such as air and water quality, land management and rehabilitation and planning the Hunter of the future.

“The Dialogue has had major successes over the past few years and it is important that it stays relevant and focused on the issues prioritised by the community and industry,” the Dialogue’s Chair David O’Brien said.

“It is very important the voice of the community is fully represented on the Dialogue so we are inviting community members to provide expressions of interest to help continue this important engagement initiative.”

Community members may express their interest in joining the Dialogue at information@nswmining.com.au.

For more information on the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue see the website at miningdialogue.com.au.

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