Dialogue seeking community representatives for Joint Working Groups

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is looking for community representatives who are interested in helping the Dialogue address the cumulative impacts of mining through industry and community working together.

Community representative positions are available on the Dialogue’s Joint Working Groups.

Pictured: Dialogue Community Representatives Ken Bray and Di Sneddon

The working groups meet quarterly and play an important role by helping the Dialogue choose and implement its strategies and activities including projects aimed at addressing mining impacts in areas such as air and water quality, land management and rehabilitation and planning the Hunter of the future.

Current community representatives, Di Sneddon and Ken Bray, encourage Upper Hunter residents to get involved in the Dialogue.

“People should participate, contribute and better understand the mining operations in the Hunter Valley,” says Ken, who joined the Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group in 2013.

“At times, we do not necessarily agree, however, it is a forum, around the table to participate in discussions and guidance on the way forward and co-existing.”

Di, who has been involved with the Dialogue since its inception in 2011 and is a member of its senior body, the Joint Advisory Steering Committee, sums up why people should participate.

“Because you can; no other mining area has such a dialogue,” she says.

“This is a great opportunity to ensure the community’s voice is heard and responded to. We all live here and together we can gain the best outcome for everyone if we work hard enough. Better outcomes for the environment, our local businesses and those who work at the coal face.”

Community representatives interested in joining the Dialogue can register their interest via email at info@nswmining.com.au

For more information on the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue visit the website at miningdialogue.com.au

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