Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Joint Working Groups resume in-person meetings

Members from the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group and Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group reconvened at the Dialogue’s Resource Centre in Singleton for the first in-person meetings since March 2020.

Utilising a hybrid of videoconferencing and office discussions, members appreciated the value of reconnecting at the Dialogue premises to discuss environment and economic-focused projects and activities, and commencing planning for the upcoming 2021 Forum event in November this year.

The Joint Environment Working Group discussed our annual water use and rehabilitation reporting projects and upcoming projects currently in the planning and development stages, including a revised Community Perceptions Survey, rehabilitation awareness project, and updates to our air quality research.

The Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group discussed the upcoming Procurement Networking Events held jointly with the respective local Chambers in Muswellbrook next Wednesday 16 June, and in Singleton on Thursday 19 August.

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