2022 has been a busy year so far for the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue as we get back to “business as usual”. While Covid-19 is very much still around we, along with the Upper Hunter community, are focusing on re-engaging with our community stakeholders on key issues of importance.
The July 2022 edition of ‘The Dialogue’ newsletter provides a roundup of all our recent activities and projects, including:
- ON THE ROAD AGAIN – The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s School Mine Tours Program is on the road for 2022, and we expect to reach 28 tours and up to 1000 sztudents by the year’s end.
- COMMUNITY FORUM A COLLABORATION FOR THE FUTURE – Community, government and mining industry representatives will come together for a day of collaboration, planning and tackling key issues at the Dialogue’s Community Forum on Wednesday 16 November.
- MINING LAND-USE REVIEW – The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has long advocated for a review of the planning system to allow for beneficial use of land post-mining and the draft Hunter Regional Plan 2041 provides an exciting opportunity to plan for economic diversification in the Upper Hunter of the future.
- FINDINGS FOCUS ON STRATEGIES – Rehabilitation, the future of mining and air quality should be the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s key areas of focus for the future, according to the Dialogue’s recently released Community Perceptions Survey, which was undertaken in late 2021 with vlauble feedback from key Upper Hunter stakeholders.
- ENGAGING WITH COMMUNITY – The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is engaging with the local community at a range of shows and events to share information about Dialogue projects and activities through interavtive displays.
- EVENTS TAKING CARE OF LOCAL BUSINESS – The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce “meant business” at a June business networking event and mining economic update, which provided local suppliers an opportunity to meet with key procurement personnel from local mining operations.
- WE WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK – We encourage community members to please fill in our online survey to help us help make the Upper Hunter a better place for all to live. Simply visit www.bit.ly/dialog-survey to have your say on issues that matter.
As always the Dialogue is keen to have input from community representatives. If you are a member of the Upper Hunter community and want to make the region a better place for all to live, please express your interest via email at info@miningdialogue.com.au
Please click the following link or the image below to access the digital copy of the July 2022 edition of ‘The Dialogue’.

A printable A3 version of ‘The Dialogue’ can also be viewed below:
Note: set paper size to A3, set to print on both sides of paper, and flip on short edge to create newsletter.