The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s School Mine Tours returned last week, with 38 Year Five students from Denman Public and Sandy Hollow Public Schools visiting Bengalla Mine.

Students engaged with mine staff including geologists, mining engineers and environmental scientists. They participated in a drone tour of the mine and had a first-hand experience of the truck and excavator simulators.
Now in its fifth year, the school mine tours program aims to demystify the mining process through a fact-based, firsthand educational experience. Participants learn about the impacts of mining and the practical benefits to our everyday lives.

The 2024 program is scheduled to deliver 19 tours to 9 mine sites for approximately 700 students from primary and secondary schools across the Upper Hunter.
Thank you to the terrific team at Bengalla for hosting this school visit.
For more information about the program, please visit the School Mine Tours Program page on the website, or contact Stakeholder Engagement Manager Cate Sims on