Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Joint Working Groups hard at work

Two Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue working groups met online this week – the Joint Environment Working Group (JEWG) and the Joint Economic Social Development Working Group.

The JEWG discussed the latest project updates including a summary of the 2019 results from two of the Dialogue’s annual projects – Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments and the Water Accounting Framework.

Camilla West from Hydro Engineering and Consulting was on hand to answer member questions on water use and the Dialogue’s Hunter River Water Quality Study assessment which was recently finalised.

The Department of Regional NSW’s Stephen Wills updated the group on the Pilot Pathways to Post-Mining Land Use project and the Resources Regulator’s Matthew Newton provided an update on rehabilitation reforms.

The Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group discussed the Dialogue and member’s economic activities and the impact and response to COVID-19 across the region.

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