Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue November 2018 Newsletter

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has been busy in the lead up to the end of 2018. The November 2018 newsletter updates our stakeholders on the progress of a variety of Dialogue projects.

Please click on the link below for more information regarding:

  • NEW GROUP FOR ECONOMY – The realignment of Dialogue Working Groups, including the creation of new Economic and Social Development, and Communications-focused groups.
  • SPREADING THE WORD – The Dialogue’s Targeted Stakeholder Communications Strategy which has seen the Dialogue engaging with key stakeholders, such as Community Consultative Committees (CCCs)
  • FAREWELL TO GILL EASON – Key Dialogue Joint Advisory Steering Committee (JASC) member Gill Eason reflects on her contributions to the Dialogue.
  • SCHOOL IN AT MINES – An update from the School Mine Tours Program as we near the completion of the first full year of tours.
  • REHAB IS TOP PRIORITY – An update on the Dialogue’s Community Surveys shows that rehabilitation continues to be the key priority from community members, followed by air quality, water and development of voids.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA – The Dialogue is now on Facebook. Be sure to like our page to receive regular updates on key projects and activities: https://www.facebook.com/UPPERHUNTERMININGDIALOGUE/

To catch up on the Dialogue’s Latest News, please click the link below: