Upper Hunter Air Quality Information Resources

The Dialogue is working with stakeholders to share information about air quality impacts and actions to improve air quality in the region

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and the NSW Government have both developed various resources to help community stakeholders better understand air quality in the Upper Hunter and how it is being regulated. See below for some air quality information resources:

UHMD Fact Sheets on Particulate Matter and Actions to Improve Air Quality

The Dialogue has developed air quality education resources for Upper Hunter stakeholders. These resources aim to improve community understanding of air quality in the Upper Hunter and the actions the NSW Government and the mining industry are taking to minimise impacts to the community. The NSW Government has also produced air quality resources to help improve community understanding of air quality.

The Dialogue has prepared two fact sheets about Upper Hunter air quality. The first explains what particulate matter is and why it is important that it be managed. The second fact sheet details the key actions the NSW Government and Upper Hunter mining operations undertake to ensure emissions are minimised and, should air quality issues arise, that they are effectively managed. Please see the links below for further information.


NSW Government Air Quality Infographic Brochure

The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) Environment, Energy and Science Division’s air quality infographic brochure for the Upper Hunter can be accessed via the link below:

Key messages from the brochure include:

  • The NSW Government has operated 14 air quality monitoring stations in Upper Hunter since 2012.
  • The major sources of particle pollution in the Upper Hunter are coal mining, coal-fired electricity generation, non-road vehicles and equipment, planned burning and bushfires, windblown dust and household wood heating.
  • Particle pollution is invisible but can be inhaled. Long term exposure to fine particles from vehicles, industry, wood smoke and fires can cause and exacerbate heart and lung disease.
  • Air quality in Muswellbrook, Singleton and Aberdeen met national standards 97% of the time in 2012-2018. In warm dry years, particle levels increase and air quality decreases.
  • The NSW Government encourages community members to check the local air quality index to find information on current air pollution levels.
  • The NSW Government regulates industry to reduce emissions of air pollutants.


Air Quality Infographic Brochure: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/research-and-publications/publications-search/air-quality-in-the-upper-hunter-valley

NSW Government Seasonal Air Quality Monitoring Network Reports

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) produces seasonal and annual newsletters that provide an overview of recent Upper Hunter air quality results and how they measure against air quality indices within national benchmarks. Contextual information is also provided to help stakeholders understand what may be impacting local air quality.


Seasonal Air Quality Monitoring Network Reports: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/air/monitoring-air-quality/upper-hunter/upper-hunter-air-quality-reports

Upper Hunter Air Quality Maps

The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) maintains a live data feed of current wind speed, wind direction and air quality for the Uppper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Network


Upper Hunter Air Quality Map


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