Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue releases 2023 Rehabilitation Progress Results

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has finalised the annual report on rehabilitation progress, with 2023 results showing that industry remains committed to progressively restoring disturbed land in the Upper Hunter.

During the 2023 calendar year, 962 hectares of land was newly rehabilitated (up from 529 hectares in 2022) and 1,599 hectares of land was newly disturbed due to continued development and expansion at some mine sites.

By the end of 2023, just under 14,400 hectares of total land were under rehabilitation, with 35% of the land disturbed by mining in the Upper Hunter now under active rehabilitation.

The Dialogue rehabilitation reporting project builds on the requirement that all mines in NSW report on their rehabilitation progress. Under new standard conditions on mining leases implemented in 2021 to ensure progressive rehabilitation and sustainable post-mining land use outcomes are achieved, all Upper Hunter operations are required to lodge an Annual Rehabilitation Report and Forward Program.

For greater consistency in the data presented, the 2023 results have used information provided by industry to the Resources Regulator as part of mine sites’ Annual Rehabilitation Report and Forward Program.

The Dialogue’s Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments project commenced in 2012 and has reported on mine rehabilitation progress in the Upper Hunter region annually since then.

To view the latest results, click here: https://miningdialogue.com.au/project/rehab/results/2023-results

To view previous year.s’ results, click here: https://miningdialogue.com.au/featured/rehabilitation-reporting