Beneficial Reuse of Voids

The Dialogue has researched a variety of potential beneficial post-mining land uses for mine voids that will benefit Upper Hunter communities in the future. One of the long-term community concerns associated with mining in the Upper Hunter is what will happen to the mining assets once active mining ceases in the region? To better understandLearn more Beneficial Reuse of Voids

Cattle Grazing Studies

The Dialogue is supporting industry studies which demonstrates that rehabilitated mine land can support long-term sustainable and profitable cattle grazing in the Upper Hunter. An Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue trial of grazing beef cattle on rehabilitated mining land showed rehabilitated mined lands can be used as commercially-productive pasture after mining has ended. The Upper HunterLearn more Cattle Grazing Studies

Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

All Upper Hunter mining operations are progressively rehabilitating land disturbed by mining to provide temporary or final cover to minimise land or air quality impacts. Acknowledging increasing community concern about a lack of transparent information about mine rehabilitation, the Dialogue established a project to improve transparency of awareness of the progressive rehabilitation by collating andLearn more Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

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