Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

All Upper Hunter mining operations are progressively rehabilitating land disturbed by mining to provide temporary or final cover to minimise land or air quality impacts.

Acknowledging increasing community concern about a lack of transparent information about mine rehabilitation, the Dialogue established a project to improve transparency of awareness of the progressive rehabilitation by collating and reporting aggregate rehabilitation and disturbance data for all mining companies operating across the Upper Hunter.

Operating as one of the Dialogue’s key annual projects since 2012, the Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments project has seen industry members agree to a set of temporary and final rehabilitation principles and commitments that aim to decrease the periods of time that disturbed areas are left without temporary or final cover to minimise any impacts on the landscape or air quality.

These principles and commitments were developed in consultation with the Joint Environment Working Group members, with annual results reported back through the Dialogue’s Working Groups and Steering Committees.

This project has enabled the Dialogue to publicly report the collective progress of all Upper Hunter companies against the principles each year, with an annual report from each individual company also submitted and published.

There have been significant improvements in the total amount of rehabilitation undertaken in the Upper Hunter since this project was established, and the annual results can help the Dialogue demonstrate to stakeholders that progressive rehabilitation continues to be a priority for mining operations.

For more information about the principles and commitments, please click on the Fact Sheet below.

Please view or download our annual summary reports or individual company reports below.

Recent Rehabilitation Results

Please click on the reports below for updated information on rehabilitation progress for Upper Hunter operations from recent years. The 2020 report has a full table of results dating back to the first year of this project in 2012.

Annual Upper Hunter Company Rehabilitation Reports

Each year, sites provide a written report to accompany their figures that provides some additional information regarding their rehabilitation practices and priorities over the past reporting year. Please click for annual report updates for each Dialogue member company below.

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