School Mine Tours Program

The Dialogue has established a program of school tours for primary and secondary students to highlight the impacts and benefits that arise from mining in the Upper Hunter.

Cattle Grazing Studies

The Dialogue is supporting industry studies which demonstrates that rehabilitated mine land can support long-term sustainable and profitable cattle grazing in the Upper Hunter. An Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue trial of grazing beef cattle on rehabilitated mining land showed rehabilitated mined lands can be used as commercially-productive pasture after mining has ended. The Upper HunterLearn more Cattle Grazing Studies

Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

All Upper Hunter mining operations are progressively rehabilitating land disturbed by mining to provide temporary or final cover to minimise land or air quality impacts. Acknowledging increasing community concern about a lack of transparent information about mine rehabilitation, the Dialogue established a project to improve transparency of awareness of the progressive rehabilitation by collating andLearn more Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments

Business Procurement Events

Connecting local suppliers with mining personnel contacts to provide business-ready interactions. The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is working to connect local suppliers with mining companies via the Business Procurement Events, which are jointly held with the assistance of both the Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Singleton Business Chamber. These events provide an opportunity for manyLearn more Business Procurement Events

Procurement Information Hub

Helping suppliers understand mining procurement processes and preparing for tendering opportunities. The Dialogue’s primary objective under the Economic and Social Development theme is to improve engagement between the mining sector and local suppliers. Critical to this is improving the understanding and awareness of procurement processes across the various Upper Hunter mining companies. The Dialogue’s MiningLearn more Procurement Information Hub

Our Working Groups and Committees

Our Working Groups and Steering Committees work together to implement solutions to regional issues. Organisational Structure When the Dialogue was established in 2011, it initially focused on four key themes, with projects undertaken and overseen by Working Groups under each theme. Projects and strategies developed by the Dialogue result from interaction with participants at DialogueLearn more Our Working Groups and Committees

Our Participants

Discover more about the Dialogue’s key participants and their vision for the Upper Hunter. The Dialogue brings together coal producers from the region, including Bengalla Mining Company, BHP, The Bloomfield Group, Glencore, Malabar Resources, MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operation, Muswellbrook Coal Company, Peabody, Thiess and Yancoal, as well as community and business leaders, environmental groups,Learn more Our Participants

Our Purpose

Community, mining, business, and government working together to address the cumulative impacts of mining. Overview of the Dialogue The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue (the Dialogue) was established in 2011 by the region’s miners in response to community concerns about infrastructure and services, mine rehabilitation, water and quality. The Dialogue brings together local miners, community andLearn more Our Purpose

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