Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue releases 2022 Rehabilitation Progress Results

This week, the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue published its latest report on rehabilitation progress with the 2022 results demonstrating a continued focus by industry on progressively rehabilitating mining land across the region. The Dialogue’s Rehabilitation Principles and Commitments project commenced in 2012, and has seen industry commit to a set of common rehabilitation principles that has improved the transparency of rehabilitation progress of UpperLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue releases 2022 Rehabilitation Progress Results

Dialogue Pasture Restoration Field Day summary published in ‘The Land’ newspaper

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s recent Pasture Restoration Field Day was recognised recently with an article published in ‘The Land’ on Thursday 16 November by respected agronomist and journalist Bob Freebairn. Bob Freebairn participated in the Dialogue’s Pasture Restoration Field Day held on Wednesday 11 October 2023, which brought together agronomists, government, industry and communityLearn more Dialogue Pasture Restoration Field Day summary published in ‘The Land’ newspaper

Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue holds Pasture Restoration Field Day

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue held its Pasture Restoration Field Day this week, bringing agronomists, government, industry and community stakeholders together to share their knowledge and see mine rehabilitation land first hand. Around forty people attended the field day, visiting areas at Glencore’s Liddell coal mine and the Bloomfield Group’s Rix’s Creek operations that haveLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue holds Pasture Restoration Field Day

Final preparations underway ahead of Pasture Restoration Field Day 

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue (UHMD) is finalising arrangements for its upcoming Pasture Restoration Field Day in just over a week. The Field Day will be held on Wednesday October 11, and will include tours of mine rehabilitation projects with a particular focus on pasture establishment. The tour is an opportunity for agronomists, mining industryLearn more Final preparations underway ahead of Pasture Restoration Field Day 

Malabar Resources Solar Farm approved on rehabilitated mine land

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has developed a number of projects and studies examining potential beneficial uses for land post-mining – now Dialogue industry partner Malabar Resources is putting those ideas into practice through the development of a large solar farm. Malabar has gained NSW Government planning approval to develop the 25 MW Maxwell SolarLearn more Malabar Resources Solar Farm approved on rehabilitated mine land

Rehabilitation Case Study: Native seed reclaiming on mined land (Yancoal MTW and HVO sites)

An ambitious programme at two Coal & Allied mine sites is aiming to improve the quality of rehabilitation in the Upper Hunter Valley using native seeds and leading agricultural practice in land management, soil preparation, sowing and monitoring. As part of their Warkworth Extension approval process, Coal & Allied have committed to rehabilitating the majorityLearn more Rehabilitation Case Study: Native seed reclaiming on mined land (Yancoal MTW and HVO sites)

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