Dialogue back in business with Muswellbrook procurement networking event

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry have joined forces to present a two-part event for local supplier businesses. More than 100 people attended the breakfast update on the NSWMC’s Expenditure Impact Survey results for the region, as well as a procurement networking event for local suppliers and procurement representativesLearn more Dialogue back in business with Muswellbrook procurement networking event

Full steam ahead for Grazing Study

It’s full steam ahead for the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Cattle Grazing Study, as 20 steers have been introduced to the study sites at Coal & Allied’s Hunter Valley Operations mine site and the adjoining control property, Wandewoi.  It follows the introduction of another 20 steers to the study sites at BHP Billiton’s Mt Arthur Coal mine siteLearn more Full steam ahead for Grazing Study

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