Upper Hunter Rehabilitation Information Resources

Helping to improve stakeholders understanding and awareness of rehabilitation in the Upper Hunter The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has developed several education resources regarding our land management and rehabilitation projects for Upper Hunter stakeholders. These resources will help improve community understanding of how mining operations in the Upper Hunter work to rehabilitate mined land toLearn more Upper Hunter Rehabilitation Information Resources

Beneficial Reuse of Voids

The Dialogue has researched a variety of potential beneficial post-mining land uses for mine voids that will benefit Upper Hunter communities in the future. One of the long-term community concerns associated with mining in the Upper Hunter is what will happen to the mining assets once active mining ceases in the region? To better understandLearn more Beneficial Reuse of Voids

Rehabilitation and Land Use

Rehabilitating mined land to leave a long term positive legacy The Dialogue is working to ensure that Upper Hunter is left with a positive legacy for future generations and that land disturbed by mining is rehabilitated during operations. Prioritising and undertaking quality progressive rehabilitation throughout the life cycle of mining will help provide local communitiesLearn more Rehabilitation and Land Use

Water Quality and Stewardship

Ensuring sustainable and responsible use of the region’s water resources Water is a vital and valued resource for our environment, our communities, and many businesses across the Upper Hunter. It is important that water is used responsibly by mining operations and water quality is managed to ensure water resources in the region are sustainable. WaterLearn more Water Quality and Stewardship

Air Quality

Managing and minimising air quality impacts for the Upper Hunter Dust emissions generated from mining activities can present a serious issue to those who live and work in the Upper Hunter if they are not closely monitored and effectively controlled. Managing air quality impacts continues to be a priority for the Dialogue, and we areLearn more Air Quality