
Note: [1] The Integra site is no longer operated by Vale. In October 2015, The Bloomfield Group and Glencore assumed operation of these sites and rehabilitation results from these respective sites are contained in either the The Bloomfield Group or Glencore reporting documents from 2015 onwards.

The Bloomfield Group

Note: [1] The Integra site is no longer operated by Vale. In October 2015, The Bloomfield Group and Glencore assumed operation of these sites and rehabilitation results from these respective sites are contained in either the The Bloomfield Group or Glencore reporting documents from 2015 onwards.


2014 Report – Not submitted

Bengalla Mining Company

2021 Report – Not submitted, however data was provided 2019 Report – Not submitted, however data was provided 2016 Report – Not submitted, however data was provided1 Note: [1] The Bengalla Mining Company commenced operation of the Bengalla site formerly owned by Coal & Allied in September 2015. Bengalla participated in the 2016 project inLearn more Bengalla Mining Company

2020 Air Quality Update

Following the release of the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s initial report, released in 2020, and analysing air quality between 2013 and 2019, the Dialogue decided to undertake a supplementary analysis to the initial report to incorporate additional yearly data from the 2020 calendar year. As the initial report included data up to the end ofLearn more 2020 Air Quality Update

Update on Dialogue 2021 Forum Event

In light of extended restrictions across the Upper Hunter and the delicate conditions on which any future easing of these rests, the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue secretariat has made the decision to postpone our 2021 Forum event (scheduled for 23 November). As the health and safety of our Upper Hunter stakeholders is paramount, the DialogueLearn more Update on Dialogue 2021 Forum Event

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