Dialogue back in business with Muswellbrook procurement networking event

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry have joined forces to present a two-part event for local supplier businesses. More than 100 people attended the breakfast update on the NSWMC’s Expenditure Impact Survey results for the region, as well as a procurement networking event for local suppliers and procurement representativesLearn more Dialogue back in business with Muswellbrook procurement networking event

Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Joint Working Groups resume in-person meetings

Members from the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group and Joint Economic and Social Development Working Group reconvened at the Dialogue’s Resource Centre in Singleton for the first in-person meetings since March 2020. Utilising a hybrid of videoconferencing and office discussions, members appreciated the value of reconnecting at the Dialogue premises to discussLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Joint Working Groups resume in-person meetings

‘The Dialogue’ is back on the road again: Catch up on the latest news in our May 2021 Newsletter

The Dialogue is back on the road again and ready to continue working with our various stakeholders to help address the local community’s priorities and work towards developing and implementing solutions. After a disruptive 2020, the Dialogue’s Joint Working Groups and Steering Committees have reconvened in early 2021 to discuss recent projects delivered over theLearn more ‘The Dialogue’ is back on the road again: Catch up on the latest news in our May 2021 Newsletter

Catch up on all ‘The Dialogue’ latest with the November 2020 newsletter

As we near the end of a momentous 2020, it is timely to reflect on the Dialogue’s accomplishments in this most difficult of years. Despite the challenges and impacts that COVID-19 has had on the Dialogue’s community events and school tour activities scheduled throughout 2020, we have been fortunate to continue our engagement with stakeholdersLearn more Catch up on all ‘The Dialogue’ latest with the November 2020 newsletter

UHMD Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Data Analysis – Initial Report

Following stakeholder feedback at our 2018 Forum event regarding concerns about worsening air quality impacts in the Upper Hunter, the Dialogue’s Joint Advisory Steering Committee endorsed a project to analyse publicly available air quality data from 2013 to 2019, gathered through the Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Network, to provide an assessment of long-term trendsLearn more UHMD Upper Hunter Air Quality Monitoring Data Analysis – Initial Report

Procurement Process

The table below showcases a generic process outlining typical steps that suppliers can expect from engaging in a tendering process with a mining company. Please note that procurement varies greatly across mining companies. What may be a requirement to do business with one company may not be a requirement with another. Please visit each companyLearn more Procurement Process

Past Project Theme – Social Impacts and Infrastructure

When the Dialogue was established in 2011, there was significant community concern that the sharp growth of the Upper Hunter’s coal sector was putting pressure on some infrastructure, services and the availability of affordable housing. The Dialogue established a Social Impacts and Infrastructure theme to address these concerns, with several projects undertaken to address specificLearn more Past Project Theme – Social Impacts and Infrastructure

Local Community Events

The Dialogue attends community events and open days across the Upper Hunter throughout the year to share information on projects and activities, and answer questions from our stakeholders. With its educational display in tow, the Dialogue attends community events and open days across the Upper Hunter and beyond including the Upper Hunter Show in Muswellbrook,Learn more Local Community Events

Community Forum Events

The Dialogue’s regular forum events provide an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions with our community stakeholders and hear feedback on issues of importance in the Upper Hunter. The Dialogue regularly hosts a community ‘Forum’ event to connect with Upper Hunter residents, businesses and other key stakeholders and ensure that we continue to focus onLearn more Community Forum Events

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