Update on Dialogue 2021 Forum Event

In light of extended restrictions across the Upper Hunter and the delicate conditions on which any future easing of these rests, the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue secretariat has made the decision to postpone our 2021 Forum event (scheduled for 23 November). As the health and safety of our Upper Hunter stakeholders is paramount, the DialogueLearn more Update on Dialogue 2021 Forum Event

‘The Dialogue’ is back on the road again: Catch up on the latest news in our May 2021 Newsletter

The Dialogue is back on the road again and ready to continue working with our various stakeholders to help address the local community’s priorities and work towards developing and implementing solutions. After a disruptive 2020, the Dialogue’s Joint Working Groups and Steering Committees have reconvened in early 2021 to discuss recent projects delivered over theLearn more ‘The Dialogue’ is back on the road again: Catch up on the latest news in our May 2021 Newsletter

Catch up on all ‘The Dialogue’ latest with the November 2020 newsletter

As we near the end of a momentous 2020, it is timely to reflect on the Dialogue’s accomplishments in this most difficult of years. Despite the challenges and impacts that COVID-19 has had on the Dialogue’s community events and school tour activities scheduled throughout 2020, we have been fortunate to continue our engagement with stakeholdersLearn more Catch up on all ‘The Dialogue’ latest with the November 2020 newsletter

Dialogue seeking community representatives for Joint Working Groups

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is looking for community representatives who are interested in helping the Dialogue address the cumulative impacts of mining through industry and community working together. Community representative positions are available on the Dialogue’s Joint Working Groups. The working groups meet quarterly and play an important role by helping the Dialogue chooseLearn more Dialogue seeking community representatives for Joint Working Groups

Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and its industry partners continue to implement serious interim measures in response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. In line with government health advice, the Dialogue has temporarily suspended all events and face-to-face committee and working group meetings in the short-term. The Dialogue is currently evaluating the forward program of activitiesLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

Hunter mining industry leader Sarah Withell announced as new Chair of Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue, the community forum for addressing issues relating to mining in the region, will be led by a new Chairperson. BHP’s Sarah Withell is an experienced mining professional who lives with her family in the region and has had a long involvement in the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue. As Chair, MsLearn more Hunter mining industry leader Sarah Withell announced as new Chair of Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue

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