Malabar Resources Solar Farm approved on rehabilitated mine land

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has developed a number of projects and studies examining potential beneficial uses for land post-mining – now Dialogue industry partner Malabar Resources is putting those ideas into practice through the development of a large solar farm. Malabar has gained NSW Government planning approval to develop the 25 MW Maxwell SolarLearn more Malabar Resources Solar Farm approved on rehabilitated mine land

Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Advisory Steering Committee kicks off 2020 with a Zoom!

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue has “zoomed in” on online technology to keep the Dialogue’s work on schedule while complying with Covid-19 restrictions. Using Zoom web video conferencing technology, the Dialogue’s Industry and Joint Economic and Social Development working groups, Industry and Joint Environment working groups, Communications Working Group, Industry Steering Committee and Joint AdvisoryLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Advisory Steering Committee kicks off 2020 with a Zoom!

Dialogue seeking community representatives for Joint Working Groups

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is looking for community representatives who are interested in helping the Dialogue address the cumulative impacts of mining through industry and community working together. Community representative positions are available on the Dialogue’s Joint Working Groups. The working groups meet quarterly and play an important role by helping the Dialogue chooseLearn more Dialogue seeking community representatives for Joint Working Groups

Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue and its industry partners continue to implement serious interim measures in response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. In line with government health advice, the Dialogue has temporarily suspended all events and face-to-face committee and working group meetings in the short-term. The Dialogue is currently evaluating the forward program of activitiesLearn more Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue COVID-19 Update and industry partner responses

Fresh look for Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue April-May 2020 Newsletter

The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Newsletter has had a refresh for it’s new April-May 2020 edition. Now titled ‘The Dialogue’, stakeholders are able to discover more about the Dialogue’s project and activities than ever before. Despite the ongoing challenging conditions that late 2019 and early 2020 has presented, the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue is busilyLearn more Fresh look for Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue April-May 2020 Newsletter

Dialogue Joint Working Groups hear updates on key environmental and economic projects

This week the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue’s Joint Environment Working Group met with the Department of Primary Industries who provided an update on a comprehensive study on the ability of rehabilitated mining land to provide pasture for cattle grazing. While the study report is still under review, the update indicated positive results for sustainable grazingLearn more Dialogue Joint Working Groups hear updates on key environmental and economic projects

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